At Southway Junior School, we aim to equip our children with the skills and knowledge to enable them to explore, understand, engage with and question an increasingly scientific world. Our ambition is for children to be curious to find out answers to their own questions and develop an increased understanding of the world around them.
Our coherently planned and sequenced curriculum intends to:
- Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics;
- Build resilience whilst equipping children with a range of scientific skills, including; observing, measuring, predicting, explaining, communicating and evaluating;
- Enable children to explore and solve problems through active, hands-on learning, where teamwork and kindness is often a priority;
- Develop progressive use of scientific language to support children’s understanding of scientific concepts and respect for the world around them;
- Develop positive attitudes and a passion for science.
In science, we implement an inclusive curriculum that meets the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum. We have sequenced the curriculum to ensure that progression is made year on year and that it fits in with the topics where appropriate.
Scientific enquiry skills, along with progressively challenging vocabulary and concepts, will be explicitly taught in lessons throughout the children’s school career.
Through careful planning, we incorporate the school’s pedagogical approach of inside out, interactive and independence, allowing children to find out for themselves how to answer questions in a variety of ways. Children are encouraged to ask their own questions and will be given appropriate equipment to use their scientific skills to discover the answers.
At the beginning of each science unit, the children complete an assessment grid, where they record their current knowledge on the topic. This is then used by teachers to inform and prioritise planning. At the end of the unit, children return to their original assessment grid and add to it in a different colour to demonstrate progression.
Science books will demonstrate a progressive knowledge and skills in a variety of ways. Sometimes, children will record in a traditional scientific written report style, including using prediction, method and conclusion. However, other recording methods can be used, including photos of practical work, drama with captions, writing scientifically for a purpose (e.g. letters or diaries), factual non-chronological reports. The work presented in books is to a high standard which shows the love and passion for the subject.
At the beginning and end of each unit, every child will complete an assessment grid. The assessment grid will show progression of knowledge and that common misconceptions have been addressed through careful planning. Individual progress will also be evident from the end of unit summative ‘quizzes’ which will involve children applying their scientific understanding to a variety of real life contexts. These summative assessments are recorded on a whole-school assessment grid from years 3 to 6.