Physical Education is an important and fundamental part of our curriculum offer to our children at Southway Junior School.
We aim to teach the children the importance of health, well being and physical activity. As a school, our school values underpin the work that we do and in addition to providing children with necessary skills and the capability of applying these to team games.
We believe that building a culture of resilience helps them identify areas of strength and recognise developmental needs in addition to ensuring that they take pride in their achievements.
We endeavour to educate our children in the importance of physical activity, health and wellbeing and hope, through exploration, that they will develop new interest and talents that they will continue beyond their experience at Southway.
At Southway Junior School, we implement and deliver an engaging and inclusive PE curriculum which inspires children to thrive and succeed in physical activity. Every child takes part in two hours of PE a week, including one indoor and one outdoor session. Across the school, we ensure that children are exposed to a variety of different sports, whilst also having a progression of skills.
Children at Southway have extensive opportunities to take part in physical activity included in their daily learning. Our inside-out approach to teaching enables children to be active regularly across the curriculum, applying a hands-on approach to the curriculum. We also implement the 10-minute run, allowing children the opportunity to be active outside of structured PE lessons.
As a school, we provide an extensive range of opportunities of children from all ages to engage in extra-curricular activities, both during and after school. Clubs are run by both staff and external companies throughout the school year, allowing children to experience and practise skills in a variety of different sports. In addition to this, Southway regularly takes part in both competitive and non-competitive sporting events across Mid-Sussex.
At Southway Junior School, every child has the opportunity to participate in physical activity everyday. Through twice weekly PE lessons, children are able to develop and apply their skills across a variety of sports.
Children have become more aware of their areas of development as a result of staff delivering PE lessons confidently, using knowledge from ongoing CPD sessions. Many opportunities are provided for children to take part in various competitive and non-competitive sporting events across the academic year.
They take great pride in representing the school, and whole school celebrations have encouraged further participation in sport, raising the profile of physical activity and passion to take part in physical activity outside of school.
Teacher’s end of unit assessments demonstrate children’s progress which is placed on a whole-school summative assessment tracker.